Online Bankroll : £5
(PROFIT 2008: £8000)


Wednesday, 7 May 2008


WOHOOOOO!!! what a last 2 days i had... At one point i thought i would be writing a busto blog but glad everything turned out ok...

Bank holiday monday i had a nightmare session where i would flop the nut flush and lose to a runner runner fullhouse for a 250 quid pot. Flop the nut straight lose to a runner runner flush for 400 dollar pot etc. and tilt some more for the sake of it!!

End of that day i managed to drop Callpls account from 310 quid to 13 quid!!!! 7erdy7account from 700 quid to 300 quid and didn't touch the 150 littlewoods account. I could've ended up with a healthy bankroll but the miracle hands came one after the other to not only wipe the winnings but also deflate my roll.

I was fully aware that if i had carried on that night i would be writing a busto i left everything as they were and decided to cut losses. Something i haven't been able to do previously.

Yesterday was quite opposite though, ran pretty well for about 1.5 hours at $1/2 heads up tables and the bankrolls are back to ok level.

7erdy7 : £423
Royalfire : £815
Callpls : £90

I think i will give royalfire account a chance to take a stab at these stakes. (i know i know i said i would layout a structure but lets see how things go till the weekend.)

Hope to come up with a nicer title for tomorrow

gl at the tables

Royalfire aka Callpls aka 7erdy7

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