Online Bankroll : £5
(PROFIT 2008: £8000)


Sunday, 28 December 2008


hi guys,
No more scheduled commitemnets as i seem to not be able to keep up the promises of having to do regular updates on this blog.

However no blog means no control over my game, so i have to keep the blog hence getting rid of it is not an option.

Since my last post, things had been on a weird roller coaster ride . I think i became the junior version of Bluescouse, where spinning up from small 2 or 3 digit figures to 4 digits and then losing the lot became a norm coz i lack the sense of value whilst things are going good.

It Can't carry on like this! need to put a stop! fullstop

So back again to Abc POKER BANKROLL building challenge.

the royalfire style ... (surely that can't be good)

Gl at the tables

Updates to follow soon ..............