Online Bankroll : £5
(PROFIT 2008: £8000)


Thursday, 22 May 2008


It's nice to have a stress free session and come on top!!! Today i started with $.25/.50 a little, then $1/$2 and finally around 30 mins of $2/5 HU GAMES and banked a win of £430

No downswings or dipping down before rising. Plain old sailing.

"Sick Poker" Blogger has been mentoring me in the right direction through real time electronic communication and i no longer feel lost. I have an aim and have around a year to do it. So thank you to Rob also Iron, goose and anonymous!

No more silly moves like yesterday, no more being a hotshot !! just a regular 2/5 hu player with moderate shots at 5/10 when running and feeling good!!!

I wish everyday would be like this.. but thats a dream...

Roll is now at £12,508

Gl at the tables



Goose said...

Mate nice one, seems like you've got it made. Fancy sending me some good vibes cos im running like dwain chambers without the crack at the moment. Keep it up.

joxum said...

So nice to see someone getting it together - just keep it up and you'll be sailing in smooth waters soon.

Best of luck,
