Online Bankroll : £5
(PROFIT 2008: £8000)


Sunday, 11 May 2008

Not learning but Bankroll is Growing.....

Im not gonna write any lecturing about myself today. I was out of the system and played $1/2 hu. then 2/5 and 5/10 . My lowest point was 500 dollars and i sat with that entire roll of $500 on 5/10 and managed to take the roll upto $6400 dollars.

Then lost around $2000 and won some more on two simultaneous tables of $2/5 HU against the same player. (sat with $500 on both tables managed to leave with $2500 from both against lang_56)

The roll stands at 4587 quid on royalfire and 331 quid on callpls...

I don't want this blog to turn into a bluescouse...Serious thinking needs to be done!!!

Gl at the tables

Royalfire aka Callpls


Ironmonk said...

nice one! love them spin ups!

RoyalFire said...

Cheers mate.. Haven't seen you for a while u still alive?

Ironmonk said...

Yup, been playing $100 NL and having some success, I'll blog soon, be careful!